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Tallypay is a website plug-in that hooks in to our API backend. You can add Tallypay to your website to receive donations.

1. Add the following to the <head> tag of your website (only once).
<script src="https://tallycoin.app/plugin/tallypay-v3.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2. Add the following to the main body of your website.
<div class="tallypay" data-user_name="djbooth007"></div>
Advanced Options
The plug-in looks at the data-* attributes to determine what to do.

In addition to data-user_name, add data-page_tag to send donations to a specific page.
The page_tag can be found in the page URL as the string of characters after the last '-'.
<div class="tallypay" data-user_name="djbooth007" data-page_tag="page_tag" ></div>
Don't like the default dark theme? You can add the data-theme="lite" attribute.
<div class="tallypay" data-user_name="djbooth007" data-theme="lite" ></div>
Make It A Button
By default, the plug-in will appear as an inline panel (same as the preview above).
To use a small button instead, add the data-button="" attribute.
The button is not styled by default. You can add a style using class .tc_tip_button
<div class="tallypay" data-user_name="djbooth007" data-button="Send Me A Tip" ></div>
Make It An Image
To use an image instead of a button or inline panel, add the data-image="" attribute with a URL to the image.
The image is not styled by default. You can add a style using class .tc_tip_image
<div class="tallypay" data-user_name="djbooth007" data-image="https://tallycoin.app/img/tallycoin-icon-dark-bg.png" ></div>
Trigger onPayment Function
To trigger a javascript function once payment is received, add the data-onpayment="" attribute with the function name.
<div class="tallypay" data-user_name="djbooth007" data-onpayment="myfunction()" ></div>